Profiles of Ryukyuan Music g – Ancho Nomura

Profiles of Giants of the Ryukyuan Music Performing Arts

Ancho Nomura (1805-1871)

Founder of Nomura Ryu(Style) (uta-sanshin)

Nomura was born in Sakiyama (some say Akabira), Shuri, on June 2nd, 1805. He was on of the premier students of Chinen Sensei. He emphasized a more natural singing style rather than the more elaborate singing style of his teacher and fellow student, Shingen Afuso.

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Profiles of Ryukyuan Music f – Seigen Afuso

Profiles of Giants of the Ryukyuan Music Performing Arts

Seigen Afuso (1785-1865)

Uta-Sanshin Afuso Ryu (Style) Founder

Master Afuso was born in present day Tera Cho, Shuri, February 15th, 1785. Born to the son of a Magistrate, like his father, he managed Kayo village. He was transferred to Afuso district in Onna District. (Current Onna Village) It was during this time when he changed his name to Afuso. Around 1808, he took classes from Sekko Chinen, eventually becoming Master Chinen’s most senior student.

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Profiles of Ryukyan Music e – Sekko Chinen

Profiles of Giants of the Ryukyuan Music Performing Arts
Sekko Chinen – 1761-1828
Born in feudal Ryukyu, May 5th, 1761 to a family of the farming class in Tobaru, Shuri, Young Sekko’s first ambition was to become a medical doctor. The fact that he was not of a samurai or noble home created (at the time), an insurmountable barrier toward his dream.

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Profiles in Ryukyuan Music d – Chouki Yakabi

Profiles of Giants of the Ryukyuan Music Performing Arts
Chouki Yakabi (1716-1775)
The father of Ryukyu Musical Scores
Chouki Yakabi was born January 19th, 1719, in Shuri, the capitol city of the Ryukyu kingdom, the 4th son of (Anji) Tamagawa Chouou. It was a household where sanshin was often heard. At a young age was acknowledged of as a prodigy

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